Tuesday, February 27, 2007



As always, if you get it and are on LJ, post the answer in the comments.  For the rest of you, the answer should be in the file name.

So, I don't know if I've linked this place before--I think I might have.  However, I'm going to throw it up because the place is such a hoot.  This has to be the most blatant, ridiculous attempt at a hidden marketing front for a POD publisher I've seen.  If you are wondering, it's a front website trying to direct people to PublishAmerica, while masquerading as an 'author help' website.  It makes me laugh every time I read it.  (I particularly like how many cheap shots they take at science fiction and fantasy.  That's to be expected, considering how these people--PublishAmerica--got mocked by the whole Atlanta Nights fiasco.)

Read, be amused, but make sure to ignore everything they have to say.  There's a good reason that publishers reject 95% of what they get.  It's not because they're trying to keep you out, or because they are nasty people.  It's because they know what sells and what doesn't. 

Google Publish America if you want to read about some amusing stories. 


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