Friday, June 08, 2007

Annotation + Back!

New Annotation: Mistborn Thirty-Eight Part Three

The California Trip went really well.  It was a long drive, of course--some ten hours each way.  However, it was fun to hang out on the beach, and I drove around and met a lot of booksellers.  Even dropped in on one book group, which was fun. 

I drug Pemberly along to a lot of the bookstore visits this time.  It was her first time--I don't know if she was ready for how exhausting it could be to stop every fifteen minutes and go duck into a bookstore.  It's also surprisingly hard to find some of these places.  Good thing I have Google Maps. 

We'll know the gender of the baby--probably--next week, so look forward to that announcement.  Also, I'll go back to a regular schedule with the blog, updating four days a week. Thanks for your patience with the week off!


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