Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Koloss Art!

Artist and all around awesome guy Shawn Boyles just sent me this awesome image of a koloss.  Maybe someday we'll get around to making T-shirts out of these pieces.  (He's also the guy who did the Mistborn Llama shirt, which we sell for some reason I haven't been able to figure out yet.)  I'm hard at work on getting another Detailed Aon description up, but I can only do things like that when there's time to squeeze in.  I hope to get one up by the end of the week, along with the regular Annotation and Warbreaker chapter.  For now, enjoy the art!  (Also, sometime check out Shawn and Isaac's webcomic.  They keep telling me that it's not ready to be linked yet, since they're experimenting a lot with style, but I quite enjoy it already.  Know that they still haven't officially 'released' it, however.)



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