Tuesday, September 21, 2010

TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT Prologue ebook Released + Updates + Orem Library

As of midnight last night, the prologue ebook for TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT is now available to buy from the usual ebook stores: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, Sony, Kobo, etc. There is also an audiobook version on Audible.

Some people have wondered who would want to buy just the prologue six weeks early when it doesn't include anything you won't get when the full book comes out on November 2nd. This is something that's really only for the hardcore fans who just can't wait any longer. Most people will wait and that's perfectly okay. But for those who don't want to wait, or who can't stand to avoid the spoiler discussion threads on Tor.com, Dragonmount, and Theoryland, the prologue is out there for you. How long is it? It's not the longest prologue in the Wheel of Time by any means, but there are six different points of view and the audio version clocks in at just under two hours. It's a bit longer than the prologue from THE GATHERING STORM.

There will be free previews too. Chapter 8 was revealed here via the recent great hunt. And I've heard Tor.com will put up the first two chapters as they did last year. But in any case, the book release is only six weeks away. We're in the home stretch.

In other news, the most recent WARBREAKER annotations cover Lightsong hearing petitions, Denth talking to Vivenna about Breath, the relationship between Lightsong and Blushweaver, and converging viewpoints in the Court of Gods.

Two more episodes of the Writing Excuses podcast with Dan Wells and Howard Tayler have gone up. In the first one we're joined by Bree Despain to talk about character quirks. In the second, we again talk with Bree about writing in first person. Check it out.

Finally, I'm leaving in a few minutes to head to the Orem Library to speak at their Orem Reads kickoff. Details are on their site.


Blogger roselan said...

We don't care about bloody when, just that it's still bloody good!

And yes, I speak for all your readers :)

6:36 PM  

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