Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Updates + Tweets January 10–17

In this week's Writing Excuses podcast episode, Dan, Howard, and I go over more dialogue writing exercises. By the way, we recorded seven great episodes at this past weekend's Superstars Writing Seminar, with guests Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kevin J. Anderson, Eric Flint, David Farland, and Mary Robinette Kowal, so you have those to look forward to. The next seminar will be in April 2012 in Las Vegas (the weekend and venue should be nailed down this week), and early bird pricing is available.

The most recent WARBREAKER annotation covers more of Lightsong's bad dreams and the scene where he throws pebbles. There's also a spoiler discussion of the tunnels.

I've put up another collection of Twitter posts, mostly about the Wheel of Time reread. I started THE GREAT HUNT yesterday. But I also include a picture of the advance reading copy of Pat Rothfuss's THE WISE MAN'S FEAR that he shipped over.


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